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"Laughter is an instant vacation!"

  Milton Berle


"The human race has only one really effective weapon, and that is laughter."

  Mark Twain


"I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful." 

Bob Hope

"If you can't make it better, you can laugh at it." 

Erma Bombeck


Daily Cartoon provided by Bravenet

Enjoy Life and Share Optimism Marquee


Silly looking musician provides humor and laughter

Enjoy a good laugh!


Laughter is so important to enjoy life. Take some time to relax and enjoy some good clean humor. Share it with your friends and family.

Follow Adell Communications, LLC's board Humor on Pinterest.


  Clean Fun Links

Fitness Studio Video (MUST SEE!)  |  60's Hits Revisited

Things Kids Say In Church  |  Special Chauffeur



Printer Problems?


Dear printer repair man:
Please come to my house and check my printer. Unless I watch every print job and
I am away while it prints - my papers are wrinkled, even shredded, perforated,

and sometimes the ink is blurred. I hope that you can find the problem!!
Concerned Computer Owner 
Dear Concerned Computer Owner:
While you were gone today, I checked your printer, and I found your
problem. Please click on the attachment for the answer.


Your printer repair man

ReverendFun.com feature cartoon (updated weekly)



Take This Enlightening Stress Test...


I'm not sure exactly how it works but this is amazingly accurate. Read the full description before looking at the picture. The attached photo has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely-monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins.  If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress.

Now, click here to look at the photograph of the dolphins.

If you find more than one or two differences, you may need a vacation.